Shopping District

The two Shopping District (SD) areas are shown on the map of the area near spawn. One to the north, one to the south.

To own a shop, you need a shopping district permit, which costs 32 diamonds (1/2 stack)

Each player may own 1 shop In a change from previous seasons, shops can sell whatever the owner wants. There is no requirement for a theme in what the shop sells (this is an experiment, if it causes problems, we might change this later in the season)

Minimum prices in the S.D for; Elytra (30 dia), and diamond tools and gear (at least the number of dia it takes to craft the item). Any other non-stackable item other than potions, 1 dia each. So this includes magic books, totems of undying etc. Prices must be in diamonds.

No restrictions on who can buy from your shop. For example you can’t say “Iridium_Steve cant buy things here because I don’t like him” 🙂

Don’t make your shop enormous unless you really need to. If it’s bigger than 32×32 footprint, stop and think. Check with staff if in doubt.

Don’t flatten out large areas, dig big holes or do large scale terraforming without checking with staff first.

Multiple people can help run a shop together, but there needs to be 1 nominated owner.

Shops that are inactive (not restocked) for 4 weeks may be removed by staff.

Shops can sell services (e.g. bedrock breaking) or be for entertainment (e.g. Casino). They don’t have to sell material goods.

Shops must not create a nuisance. Shops that use redstone to make loud noises and only sell rotten flesh may be removed by staff without warning.